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Behavior Management



Conscious Discipline is a book and program designed by Dr. Becky Bailey to empower children for success.  Instead of adults always directing children’s behaviors, children are taught to make choices for themselves.  They learn that there are always choices and natural consequences that go along with the choices they make.  Like the program, we integrate specific breathing techniques that are designed to trigger positive brain affect.  The children are taught how to breathe like a balloon, drain like a faucet, squeeze like a pretzel, and star breathing- Stop, Take a deep breath, And Relax.  The children take ownership of the classroom by participating with classroom jobs, helping to write the classroom rules, and be in a part of our school family. Our main reason for using Conscious Discipline is for children to be successful in life and not just in the classroom.


Reinforce Positive Behaviors: Children are given verbal praise, special recognition, high fives, etc.


Non-violent Behaviors:


  • I attempt to redirect the behavior using Conscious Discipline techniques, including suggesting children go to the “Safe Place” to get away from the situation and cool down, breathing techniques, etc.

  • We will state the problem, and give children two choices, reminding them with something like: “It is my job to keep the room safe.  If you do this again, you will have to go sit in a chair.”

  • If misbehavior continues, there is no need for further discussion; child is directed to go sit in timeout.


Timeout is 5 minutes. Time does not begin until the child is able to sit independently and appropriately. After a timeout is served, we will then discuss what happened, why there was a timeout, and how the situation could be avoided. We always remind children to try and make good choices, because bad choices have consequences.

Violent Behaviors: Children understand that hitting, kicking, or any other violent acts are considered dangerous. They are not given warnings and are sent to timeout immediately. 




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